Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Other Side to Being a Teacher

As I have said before, this online technology class is showing a whole creative and fun side to computers. I feel like I am allowed to play like a child. I have watched grown men in my class get excited with these projects when they build truss bridges and place cars on the bridges and make them crash. It is like seeing a four year old boy with with his trucks. I am able to teach them the different uses that the programs can perform. What joy!
Unfortunately, teachers in the public schools are having to cut back on fun due to some of the NCLB regulations. Our online class got to vent our frustrations about the craft of teaching becoming a testing factory. The goal always being keeping jobs and schools open according to the test results they produce. The government is becoming so entrenched in producing little robot children that can score well. How unfair is all of this? Are we all meant to be the same? Isn't variety and differing gifts what makes this world work? Do we really want a "Stepford Wives" world? In order to prepare for testing the fun and creativity is being forced out of the classroom.
Last week I read an article which reported the changes that Obama wants to make in regards to NCLB. Initially it sounds good. As with everything we will have to read the fine print to know for sure. He seems to propose that not every child should have to perform on the same level. Some children have creative abilities which will lead them into productive lives that do not involve higher education. Our goal should be to prepare children for the world no matter their goal. There is also talk of federal funding which sounds like it will increase competition among states to receive the funds. So, it sounds good in some respects and so not good in others.
I guess we will have to wait and see. In the meantime, I sure do hope that those great, fun and creative teachers don't shrivel up from all the test preparation and boring lessons.

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