Monday, January 25, 2010

Together, we are stronger

Previously (anyone a fellow LOST fan?)… my posts were regarding my online coursework. This post, my final, is about the people. A benefit I see in a quality online program such as this one is the caliber of people it attracts.

An online program allows for a professorial base that can be pooled from the global arena. I have had teachers from The Netherlands to Wyoming as well as in my own New England backyard. These professionals are dedicated, passionate, and bring amazing levels of insight and experience to their courses. Although the online forum is a different experience from a direct classroom experience, we are communicators at heart and utilize all resources available to do so including video conferencing for face to face conversation.

My fellow classmates are also a diverse group and I enjoy learning from them as well as with them. From South Korea to Texas as well as the next town over, I have expanded and enriched my PLN (Personal Learning Network). This spring I will leave Lesley University with more than just a degree in hand. I have found colleagues and mentors that bring the entire learning experience full circle. Together, we are stronger.

Using Wordle, the graphic above was created by using this blog's URL.  All the words from the posts were made into this word cloud.  The bigger the word, the more times it is used.  I love to see that words such as "fantastic", "future", and "understanding" are rather large.

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