While I have commented on how great it is to be a part of the online program because it is so flexible, I wanted to also comment on the flexibility of my professors. Now, it’s summer, and like most people, I have a vacation planned next week. Having mentioned that to my professor a couple weeks ago, we discussed a possible extension. At the time I couldn’t imagine needing it—I have been able to manage the work with the help of a great day care. Unfortunately, this week arrived and so did a virus that has just knocked out my daughter. An appeal to my professor not only received well wishes for my sick child, but the aforementioned extension granted! She also complimented my work ethic and reminded me that although I might feel a little overwhelmed right now, I would end up just fine. Talk about generous!
Another example of the flexibility of professors came this week as well. My other professor posts assignments early so you may get a head start. Because of vacation, I worked ahead on writing a grant. When I emailed him about how he wanted me to submit it, he recommended that I email it all so he could review it before I left for vacation. The project is not due for weeks, but he was willing to accommodate my schedule so I might head off to the beach worry-free!
Really, where do you find such kindness? The professors I have worked with in the Lesley T.I.E. program really do understand that our lives outside of Lesley are demanding. Every professor I have had will work with students to “find a way” to help you to be successful.
Amazing faculty—another reason to choose Lesley!